The Sniper Build delivers best performance in terms of critical hits. Sniper rifles return as the premier long-range weapon in Borderlands 2. Hinweis: Diese Funktion ist NUR für die Meldung von Spam, Werbung und problematischen (anstößigen, beleidigenden oder unhöflichen) Beiträgen gedacht. (Livestreams every Fri, Sat and Sun night!) WE ARE GLAD YOU ARE HERE ! I will call in short name as Borderlands 2 Best Sniper Rifles For those who are seeking Borderlands 2 Best Sniper Rifles review. Get a good explosive spin gun assault rifle. I will call in short name as Borderlands 2 Best Sniper Rifles For those who are seeking Borderlands 2 Best Sniper Rifles review.

There are a couple of legendary sniper rifles and the "Best" is mainly just opinion but for your convinience ill list a couple and where you can get them. Best Sniper Rifle? User Info: Games_Analyst. Android Linux Macintosh PC PlayStation 3 PlayStation Vita PC PlayStation 4.