Action Commands: Generally, a prompt will appear when major enemies are low on health that activates a cinematic where Starkiller finishes them with style. Darth Vader may have raised Starkiller, but he has no love for the boy and is willing to kill him as soon as Starkiller becomes a liability. Jedi Master Luke Skywalker came to their rescue and destroyed all of the Death Troopers with his lightsaber.The Force Unleashed and The Force Unleashed II provide examples of: Din Djarin and his allies fought against the Death Troopers as they attempted to rescue Grogu. Unlike other Death Troopers, Gideon's troopers were droids that were indestructible. Moff Gideon was a squadron of Death Troopers under his command. She was later killed when the Kyber crystal blew up. Sabine and Gerrera quickly killed the others, and Commander DT-F16 was the only one who got away to alert captain the freighter. In the second part of " In the Name of the Rebellion", a squadron of Death Troopers, led by Commander DT-F16, were guarding a huge Kyber crystal when Saw Gerrera, accompanied by Ezra Bridger and Sabine Wren breech the fragile cargo. The troopers reappear in the fourth and final season. The Death Troopers appear in the third season finale of Star Wars Rebels, " Zero Hour". The Death Troopers who survive the battle are killed when Grand Moff Tarkin fires the Death Star at Scarif, destroying the base and everything around it. Theiy deployment turns the battle in favor of the Empire and the rebel forces attacking the Imperial base are annihilated.
Years later, the Death Troopers are dispatched by Krennic to aid the Imperial Stormtroopers in the battle of Scarif. Although they search for Galen's daughter Jyn, they cannot find her and are forced to leave the planet without her. On Krennic's behalf, she is executed by the Death Troopers who also take Galen with them. Before they can reach the house, however, Erso's wife Lyra approaches and draws a gun. When Erso refuses, Krennic orders the Death Troopers to enter the Erso house to search for Galen's family.
The Death Troopers accompany Director Krennic when he visits Galen Erso to recruit him back to the team building the Death Star. A legion of Death Troopers specifically act as bodyguards to Orson Krennic.