
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines not starting
Vampire the masquerade bloodlines not starting

vampire the masquerade bloodlines not starting

To open the console, press the "~" (tilde key) button in the top left corner of your keyboard. Paste the following at the end of the document. Preferences\Vampire Bloodlines Preferences\config. To enable the console, browse to and open the file. In the settings under the "General" tab, click SET LAUNCH OPTIONS. In your Steam's library, right click Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines under "My Games" to access Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines – Properties. ".\Vampire - Bloodlines\vampire.exe" -console Be sure that there is a single space between the last quotation mark and the hyphen. To add "-console" to the shortcut command line, go to your Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines shortcut (by default placed on your desktop), right-click it, click properties, navigate to the "Shortcut" tab, and in the "Target" field add -console at the end of the line. Note: Recent versions of the Unofficial Patch automatically place a shortcut with the necessary parameter on the Windows desktop and make it unnecessary to follow the steps below.

Vampire the masquerade bloodlines not starting